Tuesday 19 February 2013

NetStumbler free Download !!


Network stumbler is a wifi scanner and monitor tool for windows, it allows you to detect WLANs using 802.11a, 802.11b and 802.11g wireless cards.

Its targeted to network professionals however is widely used by networking enthusiasts and hackers because it helps you find non broadcasting wireless networks.

Among it uses are:

1.- Verify that our network is well configured.

2.- Study the signal strength or coverage on different points of our network.

3.- Detect interference between one or more wireless networks.

4.- Its really useful to point directional antennas for long distance links or just put the wireless card and antenna in the best signal point.

5.- Can be used to detect non authorized connections.

6.- Wardriving, which means detect all routers near to your network.


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